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All of our fruit and vegetables are fresh, this makes sure we supply you with the best quality!
We have all the alcoholic beverages you could think of, including the UK’s favorite beer, Harvey’s!
We have just about every variety you can think of; OLYMPIA, DARK MILD, SUSSEX BEST, OLD ALE, LEWES CASTLE, IPA and so much more..
We also have fantastic local wines, like RockLodge Plumpton wine and Albourne Estate wine which is from an award-winning Sussex Vineyard near Brighton!
All our meat is fresh and locally sourced, and we have recently added a freezer which provides us with pizzas from @saffaripizzacompany, we have seafood, including; mussels, fish fingers, tuna steaks, scampi, king prawns, seafood mix...
Also, in the freezer, we have local ice creams and “Gourmade” desserts!
Why not stock up on your store cupboard essentials? Like rice, including basmati and risotto, cereals, beans, lentils, flour...
Why not try our Mango and Mint EatReal lentil chips? These are super healthy and exploding in flavor! We also have Burst's crips and ProperCorn, the perfect popcorn for a movie night!
Our farm shop can provide you with all of your necessities and cravings, and even introduce you to new foods!
Make sure you give us a visit, we can't wait to see you!